Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I got nothin...

I thought if I just logged on and got to this page something would just jump into my head that I could write about.

But nothing did.

Then I found Supernanny on t.v.

Some people just need their parenting card pulled. In what universe is it OK to let your kids stay up until midnight because they say so?

This actually reminds me of a story about my own mother in law. When she came to visit once when Tyler was just a baby it was time to put him to bed. We did our kisses and I went and put him down. I came back a few minutes later and sat down next to her on the couch. She looked at me and said "Where's Tyler?". "In the bed" I responded. "Then why are you sitting here?" "Because he is in the bed." "Don't you need to stay with him until he falls asleep?" UH - no.

She couldn't believe it.

She went on and on about how we just put him in the bed and he went to sleep. It was amazing. I guess that technique didn't work for her....


Tabitha said...

I completely agree. Everyone should have to take a test before they are allowed to become parents. I saw this little girl at Publix parking lot kicking the door of her moms car really hard over and over in a fit and the mom just opened the door and nicely put her in the car to leave. Let me just say, that's not how I would have handled it.

Nicole @ Four Real said...

That is so funny! Steve's entire family could not understand that I did the same thing and STILL don't! It shocks them that I lay Jonas (or any of my kids) down and they just go to sleep! You go girl! I LOVE SUPERNANNY!