Thursday, December 18, 2008

Punishment to fit the crime

Charlie was stopped a few weeks ago on our way home from class for speeding.

That in itself is funny because Charlie drives like an old man.

Today he had to go to court for this speeding ticket. It was his first in this city so he was hoping for traffic school and no fine. When he called to find out what he would have to do and where he would have to go they told him the speeding ticket was $170.00 and the court fees were $120.00.

Totally freaked out at the possibility of having to pay $290.00 today he went into the courtroom.

The judge called his name....Charlie went up.

The judge said "Since this is your first violation in my city I will cut you a deal. If you can turn around to the people sitting here in this courtroom and sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, I will let you go without paying any fines."

At first Charlie thought he was joking - he wasn't.

Charlie turned around - faced his captive audience and sung.

That was probably more punishment than those people were ready to endure.

When he called me to tell me what had happened - guess what was playing on the radio.

God sure is funny.


Shawn said...

THAT is hilarious and made me a little sick to my nervous stomach for good ol Charlie. I would have sung, but then vomited right after.


The Aldrich's said...

Wow, what a sense of humor the judge had. I probably would of thought he was joking too. I am sure that he was shocked. To bad you do not have a video to post. (Just kidding). At least he saved ya all some money.