Thursday, September 18, 2008

Funny Story

So last night was church. Every week I make copies of the activity pages and coloring sheets that my classes will need and put them in each room ahead of time. Due to a major pipe bursting or something (everyone just kept telling me there was poop downstairs) we had to be moved to new rooms. I went into one of the new rooms to put my nice piles of papers downs and found 3 very cute kids playing. I said hello, asked how they were, etc......laid my papers down on the table, shut the door and left. I walked out of the hallway and into another to do the exact same thing (only no cute kids were in those rooms) and had to walk right by this room on my way back to the welcome area. When I approached the hallway I saw my papers shooting out from under the door. One at a time. I quietly snuck up to see who was having so much fun with my papers. The two youngest were just having a grand time seeing how many of those papers they could get under the door - it was like a contest. I slowly turned the knob - they were right there so I didn't want to knock them over and I was trying to sneek in - but they heard me coming. RUN AND HIDE!!!! So I just walked in and said I wonder how these papers got under that door if there are no children in here?!?!? Oh well - I will just put them up here on this very HIGH shelf so they are not in anyone's way of playing. I should have known cute!
I would have said something to their mother but I heard she is in the mafia......the Hairbow Mafia.


Shawn said...

How embarrassed that mom must be.
I'm sure that mom has already had a talk with her 3 cute kids and let them know that they have lost every privilege they've ever known.

The Aldrich's said...

Got to watch out for the "Mafia". Great story. I had a good laugh. You handled it very well, I must add.

Ashley said...

WHEW... I was beginning to think I was learning this for the first time here!!!!