Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2 hours later....

Whenever I get any sort of sickness you can bet that Tyler will get it too. Since I had strep throat a week or so ago it was only time for Tyler to start complaining about his throat. He woke up yesterday morning and complained about it hurting - however he had just been given a new game to play so I wasn't really convinced that it was his sore throat that was his reason for wanting to stay home from school. I made the decision to send him and when I got home from work he sounded terrible and his throat hurt even more. I had a meeting at school so that left Charlie to take him to the walk in clinic. He walked into a waiting room full and ended up waiting for 2 hours to see the doctor.

The doctor comes in and does his usual testing - then asks him to open his mouth so he can do the swab test for strep. Tyler hates this test.

Tyler refused to open his mouth.
Flat. out. refused.
Charlie couldn't get him to open it.
The doctor couldn't get him to open it.
Let me just say that if momma had been in that room - mouth would have opened.

So we have no idea if he has strep throat but the doctor said he was swollen and had a slight fever so we got the antibiotic.

We also let him know that if he EVER pulls a stunt like that again - he may need to go live with new parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate! I took all three kids to the dentist last week. Syd usually takes them because it is during school hours and he is home. This was Jack's third trip and first cleaning! The hygenist asked if Mommy could bring him the next few times so they could get him into the swing. Katie was five before she had flouride because she didn't want to do it and he didn't "make" her. They don't pull that stuff with the moms!