Thursday, February 28, 2008

Funny Story

The last few weeks Tyler has been complaining about frequent tummy aches. They generally happen Mon - Fri and miraculusly he doesn't have them on the weekends. This made me start to think......see he doesn't know it but I used to have those same tummy aches, at the same time, at his age. Mine were because I didn't want to go to school for various reasons; a test, someone was not being nice, scared, you know typical little child fears. Since I truly understood where he was coming from I asked why his tummy hurt. He only replied "when I look at this boy at school it makes my tummy hurt" Without the time to go into it further because, you guessed it, time for school! I emailed his teacher my concerns and she was on the case immediately. It didn't take long to get this response from her....

I found out a couple of things from Tyler. There is a boy in our class who will frequently suck his thumb and that bothers Tyler. I'm working on that one with the boy's mother but it's taking time to stop the behavior. And at lunch Tyler said it bothered him when another boy put ketchup on his pizza. For that one I talked to the class as a whole about manners and making good choices while they were in the cafeteria. I also rearranged all of the student seats so that Tyler is not sitting near either of these students. I moved him closer to the front of the room so his view of other students is more limited and maybe that will help.

Let me know if he says anything else and I will work with you to help him. I really enjoy having Tyler in class and I don't want him or anyone else to feel uncomfortable while they are here.

Thank you,
Jenny Litwin

That's it! He is sensitive to grossness....he is my son! That night I asked him more about the boy and he said not only does he put ketchup on his pizza but when he has french fries and no ketchup he puts boogers on them and eats them. No wonder he has tummy aches, he has been tramautized for life! I will never look at a french fry the same again.

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